
Friday, May 22, 2009

Story Telling @ IHC New Delhi

For more information and future prorgammes click on the link below

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Delh:Unspoken Sories (without impositions & interpretations)

This weekend will see a rare display of art at Academy of Fine Arts & Literature by Sudhir Pillai. Sudhir captures the nuances of real life in a very simplisitc style that makes no attempt to impose an external structure, or to interpret the situation with preconceived notions.

The end result is an art that can be interpreted by everyone. So do not worry if you have never been to one. You are in for a surprise.

Date: April 25-29 (opening at 6pm on April 25th)
Place: Academy of Fine Arts & Literature; 4/6 Sri Fort Institutional
Area, New Delhi.